FLORIDA LICENSES: CGC#1519110   MRSA#1793  MRSR #1916 HI#4479   ENG#34998

Chuck Wunder

Chuck WunderChuck Wunder, P.E.-
Chuck Wunder is an engineer with over 35 years of experience in the construction industry.  As a General Contractor for commercial and multi-story residential projects, Mr. Wunder has completed engineering design for high-rise multi-family projects, commercial site developments, and a wide spectrum of commercial projects including: retail shopping, medical facilities, businesses, and assembly occupancies. Mr. Wunder also chaired the City of Cape Coral Contractor Licensing Board including Board of Adjustments and Appeals. He has participated with other engineering firms in the development of Non-Residential Design Standards for Site Development and Engineering Design Standards for Storm Water and Utilities for the City of Cape Coral. Mr. Wunder is deemed an expert in his industry by the courts in proceedings and regarding structural defects, building code requirements and construction litigation.

For Chuck Wunder’s full CV click here.